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2022 is here and tough decisions are being made on how to look past the pandemic and transform your workplace to support hybrid strategies, proactively adapt to change, and accelerate growth in 2022.
FM:Systems' has put together 3 forward thinking resources to assist you with future-proofing your workplace strategies. These resources can be found below.
The Hybrid Workplace Planning Guide
This Hybrid Workplace Planning Guide will give you practical guidance on creating a hybrid workplace strategy. With an emphasis on cross-departmental collaboration as a key to success, the guide is designed to support the work of a hybrid planning team consisting of FM, HR and IT. With a focus on balancing cost-savings and change management, this guide will help you adopt forward-thinking strategies that lay the foundation for growth into a future state that is dynamic, flexible and resilient.
Capitalizing on Change: ROI - Cost Savings
The right digital workplace management solutions improve utilization of an organization’s 2nd highest expense creating a number of opportunities for cost-savings and efficiency gains. They also empower organizations to embrace a flexible work and digital transformation strategy that strengthens employee satisfaction, engagement and productivity.
Building the Case PowerPoint
This template has been designed to assist you in presenting a business case for a technology investment or a significant reshaping of company policy as part of your hybrid workplace strategy.
Article By: FM:Systems
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